How to Speed up Your Website With Redis Caching

Redis is an open-source tool for in-memory data management and storage through additional caching. It is used to improve website performance. Redis supports many different types of data structures, such as strings, hashes, lists, sets, etc.

In today's fast-paced digital environment, website speed is crucial for user satisfaction and search engine ranking. As WordPress started recommending using the so-called "object cache," Redis is your indispensable assistant in boosting site speed and performance.

So, let's further explore the transformative impact of Redis caching.

How Caching With Redis Works

Caching with Redis works by leveraging its in-memory data storage capabilities to allow websites or web applications to store and retrieve data with extremely low latency.

Here's how implementing Redis cache works for performance optimization:

  • In-memory data storage: As an in-memory data store, Redis stores data in memory rather than on disk. This allows for faster data access and retrieval.
  • Caching database query results: Redis is best known for caching data, which helps reduce the load on a primary database. By caching frequently accessed data, the requested data can be retrieved quickly without having to query the primary database every time.
  • Low latency: Due to its in-memory storage, Redis provides extremely low latency in data retrieval. This makes it ideal for fast access to real-time data.

Eager to learn more about caching? Here’s our article about the LiteSpeed Cache plugin and how to utilize it for better website speed.

Benefits of Using Redis Cache

Used as a caching tool, Redis excels at improving the performance of a website. Here are the benefits of leveraging its power:

  • Lightning-fast response times: Redis offers fast read and write access to data, which significantly improves response time and performance.
  • Scalability: Redis is designed to scale horizontally, allowing it to handle increasing workloads by adding more nodes to the Redis cluster.
  • Reducing server load: Redis reduces server load by efficient caching, low latency, optimizing performance, and scalability.
  • Supports various data structures: Redis works with various data structures like strings, hashes, lists, sets, and more, making it a versatile caching solution.
  • Pub/sub messaging: Due to its pub/sub messaging capability, Redis allows for real-time data processing and communication between components.

Optimize Performance With Redis Caching

At Jump, we offer the option to activate Redis in cPanel for customers who use our Website Hosting and WordPress Hosting services. This happens via the Redis Cache Manager in the Hosting Jump menu.

To use this function, you must log into your cPanel account. There, you will see the function in the Tools section, developed by Jump:

Redis Cache Manager by Jump.BG

Below you will find practical tips, ideas, and instructions on how to use Redis with the help of the functions we have developed in cPanel:

How to Start or Stop Redis

Redis is not started by default and you must run through this procedure. This will also generate the necessary data for later use. When you open the cPanel menu, you will see this text:

To activate Redis via your cPanel account in Jump.BG

You must press the "Activate" button and wait about 1-2 minutes for the Redis server to start.

Activating Redis in the PHP module

Also, check whether the PHP module "Redis" itself is activated in cPanel for the PHP version you are using in "Select PHP Version":

Activating Redis in the PHP module

Redis Integration Into the Website

As soon as the process is active, you must integrate Redis caching into the website. To do this, you need to enter the data that you see in the Redis module in cPanel:

Data in the Redis module in cPanel for the purpose of Redis caching integration in a website.

As you can see on the screenshot, this also shows how many MB of memory the instance is using.

Empty Redis Cache

It is always recommended to do this from the website, but we have made it possible to do this from the cPanel as well. All you have to do is click on the "Empty cache" button in the cPanel menu:

How to flush Redis cache?

Deactivating a Redis Instance

A Redis instance can be deactivated via the Redis menu in cPanel. To stop the Redis instance, click on the "Deactivate" button.

Interested in other site speed optimization options? Read our blog post to learn how to speed up a WordPress website.

How to Use Redis on Multiple Sites in One Hosting Account

The Redis instance in your hosting account is shared by all the websites it contains. If you use it for more than one website, you need to set different database numbers (from 1 to 15). This will prevent the cache of one of your websites from being displayed for another website.

We hope the information we have provided is useful and helps you increase your website's loading speed and improve user experience. These two factors are becoming increasingly important in search engine rankings and user retention.

When you use Redis in your hosting account, you get a fast and powerful tool for working with data that can significantly improve your online project.

Hungry for more knowledge? We have an article about website speed optimization tools that you can read next.

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Article from Tihomir Georgiev

With more than 10 years of experience in technical support, Tihomir's main objective is to train our customers in the use of the services or related software.

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